Yoga For Drivers Back And Neck Pain 3

Yoga For Drivers Back Pain 3

Low Back Pain in Drivers: Low back pain (LBP) is a common concern among drivers in all classes of vehicles, particularly among those who are involved in a high vibratory environment.

This vibration could be either due to vehicle or road on which it is driven. In India, this problem has an additional dimension of large two wheeler traffic with poor roads. This model is used to identify the effect of vibratory load on lower back.

After 12 years of this back pain he was going to kill himself (in 1997). Then his wife heard about NUCCA (National Upper Cervical Chiropractic Association). helping a guy with fibromyalgia.

He went and after the first adjustment most of the pain was gone. Nine days later he had his third adjustment and was pain free. There is more on that story and on the group he created to let people know about NUCCA and other upper cervical groups that are similar to NUCCA.

You’ll probably be very pleased with your choice if you have decided to take up yoga. Your strength and flexibility will be increased by doing yoga on a regular basis and it will help you to focus your mind and teach you how to reach a state of tranquillity in this busy and uncertain world. The best thing is that your new exercise program won’t require much equipment and be free of back pain.

A van can sometimes be better than a car as it gives you a greater entry and height to get in and out without bending. Make certain your seat is adjusted properly to give you optimum driving position.

If you have a seat with rake adjustment, adjust so that your hips are slightly above your knees or use a wedge-type cushion to achieve this. Alternatively you could purchase a "back friend" seat which sits upon the drivers seat and gives you correct posture.

Also find a vehicle that has a rest for the foot you don't use when driving so that you can support yourself with this foot to keep you stable when going around corners etc. An automatic car would be a good choice for this. Also use a device which relieves the tension of the seat belt on the body.

In some societies, they never sit. So what do they do when eating or talking? They squat for hours in comfort. This way their buttocks are never in the dirt or mud. Walking, standing and lying down are better for the back and help you to be free of back pain.

Yoga was originally created to keep people healthy while they sit for hours in meditation. Shaolin temple monks would sit in meditation for hours but also spent hours practicing martial arts. Yoga is very good for the back and neck.

Glen Wood – The Yoga Teacher, dedicated to unlocking the Real Secrets of Back and Shoulder Pain.

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