Spondylosis and Back Pain Part 5

Conclusion and What You Can do.

The term “spondylosis” refers to any ailment of the spine. And generally you can do something about it. Of course, depending on the severity of the condition. Yoga can help you emensly. Here are a few ideas that you could practice, and as said before, listen to your body, any work done will be AGREEABLY UNCOMFORTABLE. That means No strain.

What we are looking for is to create space between the vertebrae and joints. By doing so, stretching muscles allowing blood flow to get to areas where it hasn’t before, and clearing toxins from that area as a result. Where muscles are stretched and held they become stronger and able to support other areas. With blood flow, it also helps top have GOOD quality blood, which means a healthy diet that produces good blood.

For the shoulders the Downward Dog will help in this area, if you feel it is too strong then use a belt around your arms for support. Done correctly, your whole spine will benefit. Those who are conversant with the Downward Dog knows the benefits, the front spine is opened while closing down the back spine. Do this little and often.

 With the neck we need to be aware of any tension that is there. For instance, if you go to work the neck – even a simple movement from side to side may cause the muscles to tighten and go into spasm, so you need to be gentle in your work. Rotating the neck left to right, up and down, circles etc will help. When doing this it’s not just the neck that is getting stretched, you are working into the shoulder and in some cases the upper and middle back.

We are looking to create space in the joints. You will find that the exercise programme Dvd mentioned above in the “Goodbye to Back Pain” series for Neck and Shoulder pain will have a dramatic results if you follow the guidelines given. If your job is at a computer or desk, then just by walking around every now and again and stretching to counter your sat position (usually slouched over the keyboard in some way). Gravity has a way of compressing the spine in the day and usually starts by rounding the shoulders, then the upper torso starts to follow to make the matter worse, so we need to counter that. Think of ways to stretch the neck SAFELY. There may be some discomfort so take care.

Glen Wood - The Yoga Teacher. Glen is a yoga expert who loves to teach you how to lose your neck, shoulder or back pain with yoga. 
He is dedicated to unlocking the Real Secrets of Back, Neck and Shoulder Pain.

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