Spondylosis and Back Pain Part 3


The best exercises for the health of the cervical spine are non-contact activities, such as swimming, walking, or yoga.  Always seek the advice of your physician or other health provider for any questions you may have regarding your medical condition.  Prevention is the key to good spinal health. 

The treatment may include: • Physical therapy• Immobilization of the area, such as a neck collar or soft back brace• Therapeautic massage• Sleeping on a firm mattress• Pain relief Since spondylosis is a slowly progressing disease, it is never too late to start making healthy, preventive changes in your life, such as beginning a supervised exercise and stretching program like yoga, can help.  Occupational hazard, carrying out the same tasks again and again could be putting your health at risk.  The process can only be minimized through healthy diet and lifestyle, exercises and good structural posture. 


Nerves from the spinal cord come out from between the vertebrae to take and receive messages to various parts of the body.  Nerves from the spinal cord pass between the vertebrae going to the shoulder, neck, arm, and upper chest.

The nearby muscles, ligaments, and nerves may become irritated by these degenerative changes which can cause troublesome symptoms.  Pain, numbness and lack of sensation in the other areas are produced by problems effecting the nerves that emerge from the cervical region.  Generally not successful in this mission, the bone spurs can become painful as they put pressure on cervical nerves, and in some cases the spinal cord. 

When the discs wear away or are damaged by disease, the bones press on nerves, causing pain and restricting movement.  Compression of the spinal cord and cervical nerves by narrowing of spaces between vertebrae causes radiating neck or arm pain and stiffness, restricted head movement, headaches, spastic paralysis, and arm and leg weakness.  These discs act as cushions and protect the vertebrae and the nerves and blood vessels in between them.  However, these spurs can put pressure on your spine which can cause problems with the nerves and blood vessels.  The spinal canal may narrow (stenosis) and compress the spinal cord and nerves to the arms.  As the discs wear away, small pain-sensitive nerves grow into the disc and pressure on these produces neck ache. 

Glen Wood - The Yoga Teacher. Glen is a yoga expert who loves to teach you how to lose your neck, shoulder or back pain with yoga. 
He is dedicated to unlocking the Real Secrets of Back, Neck and Shoulder Pain.

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