Neck Pain Part 3

You now have a picture of my situation at that time. I was restricted some what in what I could do, so every movement required some thought. You know when you’ve hurt your ankle your reluctant to put any weight on it in case you hurt it more. By using GENTLE movements – simple every day movements that you take for granted.

The thought process I was using was this. Remember at the start of this article; keep an open mind with positive thinking. Ok, I’m in this position and I want to be free of this and have a healthy flexible body, in my case neck and shoulders. Again simple every day movements were practiced in slow motion, can you imagine that? Try it, reach out for something on your desk or table, now do it in slow motion, and then doing the same with the breath. The movements may be very small; you are in your comfort zone.

When you do this again you will go a little way more in that direction. With me I decided I would do some little stretching every hour. By this practice over the weeks I had more strength and I recovered well. As my neck and shoulders became a little better I worked deeper into the exercise and varied it somewhat. I grant you I have given you a simplified version of what happened. The hardest part is knowing where to draw that dividing line where you DO NOT work too much, the ego can get in the way pushing you to do more.

Listen to your body, move slowly and gently and when you are ready for more work you and your body will know. You may also come to a point where you’re moving ‘ok’ but could do better so you stay in your ‘comfort zone’. As a result your body, muscles take on a role to support you the best way it can. Which really means other areas of your body will take on the load and therefore imbalance is created.

So to conclude. You are only limited by your own imagination. If you think you can you can, if you think you can’t your absolutely right. I hope you have found this article helpful and if you are feel your are in difficult position see what you CAN do as opposed CAN’T.

Glen Wood - The Yoga Teacher. Glen is a yoga expert who loves to teach you how to lose your neck, shoulder or back pain with yoga. 
Dedicated to unlocking the Real Secrets of Back, Neck and Shoulder Pain.

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