Frequent Practice

How is your practice going? A regular practice will help so much to stay light and full of energy this summer. There is much activity going on (in the head) preparing and planning for holidays and then catching up upon our return. A daily practice is important to keep us in the present and happy.

There is a need for us to activate the lower chakras and allow the head to quieten down. This is the joy of an asana practice and the importance of keeping this course practical and the attention on what is Now. When the head quietens down we are able to see and to use our intuition. Noise or chatter in the head can be draining. Strengthening the muladhara  the base chakra  takes the energy down and has a quietening effect on the head. Not only that, it is a recuperative and uplifting experience.

Are you dead from the waist down! Could you be trying too hard in the head!
To quieten the head, take the head down into downdog, plough, standing forward bends and also all the sitting forward bends if your back is ready for that or kneeling with the forehead down on the mat. Use your back arch. Always allow your chest to open, releasing energy.

Absolute perfection is here and now, not in some future, near or far. The secret is in action  here and now. It is your behaviour that blinds you to yourself. Disregard whatever you think yourself to be and act as if you were absolutely perfect  whatever your idea of perfection may be. All you need is courage.

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

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