Don’t Nurse Your Back Pain

Back pain although one of the most common muscle ache problems, could also be a very troublesome.  It could hurt so bad that it could affect daily routine.  It could be caused by repetitive movements or lifting heavy objects.  There are jobs with high risk factors of back pain, one common occupation is nursing.

Nurses would usually have to deal with back pain since they would have to deal with lifting medical equipment, transferring patients and even bed making.  There are equipments that could help in reducing the force lifting heavy objects.  For example, a gait belt could help nurses transfer a patient from the bed to the seat.

However, there are emergency situations when immediate action is important.  Nurses would often fail to acknowledge personally safety because they would put the condition of the patient first.  Staff shortages or equipment shortages could also be factors .  These incidents would eventually lead to back pain. 

Because of a tiring shift, nurses would often forget to get long term solutions for their back pains.  It is just easier to pop a pill and allocate more time fore rest and sleeping. Yoga could provide tremendous effects on putting balance back into a person’s body and resolve back pains in the long run.

Yoga exercises and postures for back pain actually does not take too much time.  It would just take an average of thirty minutes a day for simple asanas or postures. Addressing back pain issues among nurses is becoming a concern since there are studies showing that 47 nursing staff from a particular hospital reported about 80 occurrences of some form of back pain during their career.

It is normal to use yoga to recuperate from injury.  Doctors would recommend yoga to patients who are recovering from muscular and even joint injury.  When injured and at bed rest for a long period of time, it would cause muscles and joints to get stiff eventually paving the way to another back injury. 

Although, there are claims that back pains and other muscles pain would go away by resting, it is exercise which would make it ease up.  There are low-impact exercises which could strengthen those muscles building its resistance to pain. There are self-care books which could be used to practice simple and low-impact yoga poses and postures.

However, these positive effects of yoga can be felt if the patients would take part in the change not just allow the change to happen. A few minutes a day would surely make a difference as long as you open your mind, body and spirit to it.

Glen Wood – The Yoga Teacher. Glen is a yoga expert whom loves to teach you how to lose your neck, shoulder and back pain with yoga.

Dedicated to unlocking the Real Secrets of Back Pain.

Free Video Reveals No 1 Secret to Losing Your Back Pain with Yoga. Go here for more information.

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