Back Pain and Passion Part 3

Have you found your passion and are you living it? It may a tough call to make. How true can you be to you? By getting yourself 'right' you can then give more of you. Let me ask you a question, who is the most important person in your life? Then let me ask you would you agree with me that you can only give what you have got?

So if you are well in your world, your heart, your soul, and your centre you can give what you have.

So let me ask you again, who is the most important person in your life? If it isn't you then read this again. The most important person in your life is YOU! When your world is right then you can help others because you CAN give what you have but not before.

Some may have a little bit of trouble getting ones head around this but stay with it.

How many people do you know that have back pain and have resigned themselves to not being able to do anything about it? I'm sure we all know someone. If we think it, that’s what we become. There are many ways of addressing back pain and I'm not suggesting that you do not consult your medical professional if need be.

It depends on a lot of factors, but the bottom line most of us CAN do something about it, If we chose to! And that is a sore point. There are those who do just that, they chose not to do anything about it. This is what I have been told reasons for not doing anything about it, "I'm too old". I can't … or I can't do … I could go on but you get the point. These are reasons NOT to, but no reasons TO do.

It is said that every problem is an opportunity, although when we are in the thick of it, it may not seem like an opportunity. Recognising the position and doing something about it will require a lot of PMA (Positive Mental Attitude). However if you make a start it will be in the right direction, small steps then big ones. If you say you can, then you can.

Imagine that you are wearing a pendant around your neck with one side PMA and the other NMA (Negative Mental Attitude). So whatever you doing or saying what is your mind set, PMA or NMA? Look to see how you are behaving, what attitude are you using? PMA or NMA? It's up to you.

Glen Wood - The Yoga Teacher. Glen is a yoga expert who loves to teach you how to lose your neck, shoulder or back pain with yoga. 
Dedicated to unlocking the Real Secrets of Back, Neck and Shoulder Pain.

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