Back Pain and Chakras Part 5

The chakras are spinning energy centres relating to the nervous system. Each chakra has a specific vibration that relates to one of the colours of the spectrum. See more about the chakra system and how it relates to the colours of the spectrum here The chakra absorbs that colour energy from the aura that surrounds the body, and then the other colours are distributed to their respective energy centres along the spine.

The human energy system includes the seven chakras, which are the key regulators of the energies coming into and going out of the body. While the chakras are not a part of the physical body, they are connected to the subtle energy fields surrounding and influencing the body. Soul*ar Energy has created Chakra Jewelry and Chakra Light Catchers to assist in balancing the energy of the chakras.

The chakras are thought to vitalise the physical body and to be associated with interactions of both a physical and mental nature. They are considered loci of life energy, or prana, which is thought to flow among them along pathways called nadis.

In the chakras, the body of the believer is pervaded by a stream of energy. This same stream permeates the cosmos, the gods and the "subtle bodies". A network of channels (nadi), portrayed in the Indian tradition as tubes, veins or nerves, links the various chakras, the vital centres of the mystical anatomy. The number of nadi is infinite. The channels and centres relate to astral, divine, elementary and mineral harmonies, so that a wide palette of congruences between the seven chakras, the elements, the streams of energy, the parts of the human body, the seasons, geometry, precious stones and colours can arise.

When two people make love, then the lights from their sex chakras are mixed, and the purple light waves are creating figures, whose beauty also in this case depends on the love between the parties. Two people, who really love each other, create a fantastic aura around them when making love - it can be compared to a purple forest of fairytale trees, whose flowers and leaves create an arc above the lovers, which has so powerful vibrations, that a lot of negative karma can be burned away. In other words, just by loving another person and showing it by sexual behavior which pleases and satisfies, one can develop very much personally and in the end thereby also spiritually.

Glen Wood - The Yoga Teacher, dedicated to unlocking the Real Secrets of Back, Neck and Shoulder Pain.

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