Back Pain and Chakras Part 4

If you join Yoga classes , you will find many multifold benefits of Yoga Postures over gym fitness exercises. These Yogic benefits have been featured here.

Tailor your yoga practice to work for your individual needs, injuries and chronic conditions using the healing therapeutic principles of Anusara Yoga. Perfect for students working to use yoga as a tool to regain maximum health and back pain relief anf from other injuries. Your yoga will be individually tailored, hands on application of yoga therapy principles to bring about optimal alignment and health.

The human being consists of mainly two bodies, namely the physical body and the spiritual body. The spiritual body is composed of vibrations of light, which are structured in a way so that they create a large number of different energy centres. These energy centres are referred to as chakras. Chakra is a Sanskrit word, which means a wheel. There are countless chakras in the human body. In fact every cell of the body is an energy centre but out of all, seven are considered as main energy centres or chakras. All these seven chakras are located in a straight line along the spine, beginning at the base of the spine and finishing over the top of the head. This energy is perceived as light by the spiritual eye.

Chakra means wheel of light in Sanskrit. The Chakras are the seven power points in the human body that circulate energy or the life force also known as prana. They are vertically aligned in the centre of the body close to the spine.

Chakras are subtle, dynamic energy vortexes. Chakra kits can heal, balance and energise this much neglected portion of out make-up. The human body has 7 major energy centres, or chakras. Chakra is the Sanskrit word for wheel or disc, indicating both the shape and dynamic nature of these subtle vortexes.

Seven Chakras : the Chakra System.Although it is widely believed there are seven chakras, there is also the school that says there are in fact eight (which includes the Thymus). The most popular belief though and most widely used practices believe that there are seven chakras. Cakras are a series of energy points that exist on the ethereal plane, rather than the physical plane, and that is why Western medicine has difficulity in believing in their existence - because they cannot be seen! In physical terms, the chakras are located on the spine, from the bottom to the top.

Glen Wood - The Yoga Teacher, dedicated to unlocking the Real Secrets of Back, Neck and Shoulder Pain.

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