Inspirational Back Pain Part 6

Next, visualise and focus on someone and let yourself begin to feel their vibration and also their spirit guides. Now describe what you feel, if you say it out loud and express your feelings vocally your awareness will become more amplified.

It may take a bit of practice so stay with it, it will be of great benefit to you.

Another example would be as follows. Have you ever been in a shopping mall, your window shopping and you 'feel' a presence of someone you know? Someone perhaps that you know couldn't be there because they are elsewhere? And when you turn around that person is there. Events like this happen when we least expect them there seems to be no logical reason, but remember we are in the world of spirit. We are spiritual beings having a human experience.

We can ask our spirits, our guides to help us on this earth plain, however the key to this is that we have to ASK. They want to serve us but cannot do so until given permission. With a little effort, practice and attention our senses can be trained, and take us to the spirits world of subtle planes of energy. By doing so will allow us to enjoy our lives in different aspects than before.

Notice the spirit of everything and everyone around you, see how different the spirit energy feels. Be sensitive to the changes, what do you feel? If you want confirmation ask your spirit, if the reply is that of your hair standing on end then your spirit has answered and letting you know that it is here.

We have just touched on the realm of spirit and for those who would like to take it further there is much on the subject to further your knowledge and I have just scratched the surface here.

For further reading or listening look up the work of Sonia Choquette and Dr. Wayne Dyer. These are just a few who have inspired me along the way. There are also other wonderful writers out there to help you on your journey.

Remember to take time out for you, connect to your spirit and you may find more than a few pleasant surprises. Develop your inner being, see where it leads you it could take you to a better place where you can pass on your knowledge to help others.

Glen Wood - The Yoga Teacher. Glen is a yoga expert who loves to teach you how to lose your neck, shoulder or back pain with yoga. Dedicated to unlocking the Real Secrets of Back, Neck and Shoulder Pain.

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