Ancient Teaching on Health and Harmony

Yoga1Yoga has been around for over 5000 years and it's history is well documented. It has many benefits for excellent health, longevity, illness prevention and injuries/disease recovery.

Yoga is more than a physical exercise. It as well involves spiritual healing through meditation. Yoga’s origin, a spiritual-oriented Hindu practice, is divorced from the yoga widely performed in the West. The West adapted yoga mainly to increase physical stamina and cultivate mental focus. Rarely people know that one way of using yoga is through Chakra healing.

In the first place, the word chakra is not a common word, except in the realm of Metaphysics where Chakra Energy Center is a subject matter. Chakras are spiritual energies in the body. In Sanskrit, an old Indian language, chakra means wheel or disc of light signifying one of the seven energy centers of the body. These chakras are located in the ethereal body.

Chakra yoga is best at improving mental focus and concentration, enhancing energy circulation, as well as developing physical strength. The Chakra Energy Center is part of an ancient yoga practice used to revitalize body and aid in stress management.

The seven major chakras serve as pathways for energy to enter into the body. Each of the seven chakras, with different designated color, is attached to various set of emotional and physical concerns. The quest of Sound Essence provides information and tools needed to allow the song of the soul to be heard. For example, unbalanced lower chakras can cause back pain. That is why in Chakra yoga, the set of sequences is aimed at balancing energy in the body.

The chakras automatically let the body receptive to positive emotions like love, empowerment and joy, as well as optimism on health and daily stress issues. An off-balanced lifestyle, as they call it, causes damage on your health life back pain and adversely affects social relationships like family, marriage, and friendship.

The basic combination of breathing exercises, postures, and meditation is also present in Chakra yoga.

Colours of clothing that are worn can have a strong effect on a person and can reflect their state of being. Dressed in black may make you feel closed off, depressed while bright colours may have the reversed effect.

Have you noticed what you wear and the colours you chose? How do you feel with the colours you have chosen? Try it. For example, try something completely different, if you wear dark clothing wear something bright. Red is a passionate colour, yellow is a vibrant colour. Chose a colour that you resonate with it could have quite an effect on your state of being.