Success Stories

Why Glen?





"Thanks for your help with my back problems - if you had not been able to help when I wasin acute pain I would have needed to go off sick fromwork. The yoga helps keep it under control and keeps me mobilised - and the classes are fun too!"

Moya Strachan Wiltshire UK,

Practicing yoga has enabled me over the years to change the way in which I live and to make me more aware of how the body works and how the postures interact.

I have been able to apply the knowledge gained, both physically and mentally to many situations, and I feel this has been very beneficial.

Mrs C Ryder, Wilts. UK,

Glen always gives as much as he demands in class. He has opened up my thought processes so I have grown both spiritually and physcally.

An excellent guide to the art of yoga.

Noelle Marsollier, Wiltshire. UK,

Initially I was attracted to the challenge of a different teacher and style of yoga.

I keep returning to you as you keep it interesting and try new ways to achieve the same thing. You are sensitive to individual needs physically and spiritually.

I enjoy the medical vocab for various parts of the body, eg: C2, it helps me at Uni.

Trust has developed therefore I feel completely confident in what you deliver/suggest, your ideas make me think and question, your philosophy gives me confidence, I enjoy the vocab.

The group is in no way body conscious or judgmental.

I enjoy the physical contact in the safe confines of the group,
it helps me professionally understand hoe patients may react or feel to being touched/examined.

I appreciate your attention to detail, and that little tweak you give helps with the concept of what I am working towards.

And finally your class always challenges me on many levels.

Tracy Lawrence, Wiltshire. UK,